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does abraham lincoln deserve the name the great emancipator

Abraham Lincoln - The Expectant Emancipator

Lincoln knew that he could not change the South's Torah on slaveholding but helium did non in truth care about that Lincoln longed-for to hold bac slavery from spreading to the North. So what Lincoln planned to do was slowly stop slavery in hopes of it dying out so that the Unification would non crumble. But the Confederates were non content because they believed that Abraham Lincoln was taking away their Constitutional Rights and they knew that they needed slaves in order to avail their economy and crops flourish. The Dixieland unlikable Lincoln and wanted to succeeded from the Union because of his decisions thus causing the Civil War.  So ultimately Lincoln was not adjusted on freeing total darkness slaves, his crowning finish was to keep the Matrimony together so that it would not fall apart into different countries and turn a weak land. .
             Lincoln also knew that blacks could not alive here in America thusly what Lincoln's plan was to send completely the slaves aft and relocate them back into Africa or unoccupied lands. Even though Lincoln knew thralldom was wrong and the blacks should comprise free he still wanted to charg them binding to Africa or unoccupied lands, again does that sound like someone World Health Organization deserves the name "The Great Manumitter". Because to me I thought if He truly sought-after and respected the ending of slavery helium would keep the black slaves apart of the Brotherhood where they were free to do what they wanted "in a commonwealth where men were created isochronal" . To me IT seems as if Lincoln was uncomfortable with the idea of having blacks sleep in the United States and wanted them out. .
             Other cause I believe that he does non deserve the title "The Great Emancipator" is that Lincoln seemed to make racist remarks roughly black slaves. As quoted by Lincoln "I will suppose then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor bringing about in any way the social and political equation of the Edward White and black races" he goes on to res publica that helium has no intentions of having blacks hold office or have them ever live with whites on the social and political terms.

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does abraham lincoln deserve the name the great emancipator

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